Kaimuddin ,Syam’un Elkawakib,Ruslan Nurjannah,Iswoyo Hari,Ridwan Ifayanti,Yassi Amir,Ramba Tandu
This study aims to evaluate the CropSyst model in simulating the growth and production of Katokkon. The research was carried out from December 2018 to May 2019 in two stages: the first stage was in To’pao Village in Tana Toraja Regency and Tallang Sura Village in North Toraja Regency, and the second stage was in the Agro-climatology and Biostatistics Laboratory of the Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University. The method used in this research was survey method and simulation method with CropSyst. The survey method was used to obtain information regarding some phenology and production of three Katokkon plant sources ie. Leatung 1, Leatung 2 and Limbong Sapolo. While the simulation method with CropSyst was carried out by incorporating all information obtained in the first stage to run the model. The results of this study indicate that the productivity of the Katokkon chili at the two study sites are similar to the output of the CropSyst model. Katokkon chili productivity in To’pao Village simulated by the model was 6.87 ton/ha while observed yield was 6.60 ton/ha. The productivity of the Katokkon chili in Tallang Sura Village were 6.74 and 6.63 ton/ha for the simulated and observed, respectively. Index of Agreement (d) at the two research locations shows that the CropSyst model can accurately predict the productivity of the Katokkon chili from Leatung 2 (d = 0.54) compared to the Katokkon chili from Limbong Sampolo (d = 0, 51) and Leatung 1 (d = 0.48).
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