Combination of inorganic and bio-organic fertilizer on growth and production of Paddy Rice (Oryza sativa L.)


Hapsoh ,Dini I R,Wawan ,Rifa’i M,Khoiruddin F


Abstract The excessive use of inorganic fertilizers by farmers in Riau Province is quite worrying about the decline in soil quality. Based on this, this study aims to obtain the best combination dose of inorganic fertilizer N, P, K with bio-organic fertilizer on the growth and production of rice. The research was conducted experimentally using a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 6 treatments and 4 replications so that 24 experimental units were obtained with the treatments being tested were P0= 100% inorganic fertilizer + petroganic; P1= 100% inorganic fertilizer; P2= 100% inorganic fertilizer + 100% sludge compost; P3= 75% inorganic fertilizer + 100% sludge compost; P4= 75% inorganic fertilizer + 100% sludge compost + biofertilizer; P5= 50% inorganic fertilizer + 100% sludge compost + biofertilizer. The results showed that the application of a combination of inorganic fertilizers N, P, K with bio-organic fertilizers had not been able to increase plant height and weight of milled dry grain, but can give the same results as the application of 100% N, P, K on rice grain parameters and 1000 grain weight in a combination of 75% inorganic fertilizer, 4 tons/ha of compost, and 10 ml of biofertilizer.


IOP Publishing


General Medicine

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