Azzahrawaani A,Hartanto M T,Naulita Y,Apriansyah
The Karawang waters are situated at the north coast of West Java Province, where the wind-driven monsoonal current controls significantly the dispersion of oil spill. Here accident of oil spill was happened on 12 July 2019. The present study aims to simulate seasonal circulation and particle trajectory analysis related to oil spill dispersion, by performing a fine-resolution 1/96° coastal circulation model of CROCO. The model is validated SST (Sea Surface Temperature) detected form satellite, sea level, and surface current with high correlation (corr.>0.86). The Sentinel-1A imagery determined initial position of oil spill. Seasonal reversal currents are reproduced well by the model, consistence with past studies. The westward flows along the northern coastal area during the southeast monsoon (SEM) bring colder and saltier seawater. In contrast, the eastward flows during the northwest monsoon period, associated with warmer and fresher seawater. The massless particles related to oil spill dispersions are advected by the current westward along the coastal area. About one week after the accident, the oil spill closed to the Tanjung Karawang waters, where particle trajectories overlay with the observed Sentinel imagery. The model suggested that on 24 July 2019, particle trajectories released from oil spill accident arrived offshore Jakarta Bay.