This study describes bioeconomic analysis of resource utilization yellowfin tuna on various management regimes through Gordon Schaefer’s Model with Fox algorithm biological parameter estimation model. The purpose of this study was to analyze the biological and economic aspects of the level of utilization of yellowfin tuna resources. The study was conducted at the Kutaraja Fishing Port in Banda Aceh by survey method. The results showed the intrinsic growth (r) was 0.87607 tons per year, the catchability coefficient (q) was 0.00016 tons per year, the carrying capacity was 6.873.10 tons per year, the cost (c) was 17.55 million per trip (IDR) and price (p) is 34.94 million per ton (IDR). Based on these parameters, the management regime at the time of MSY obtained the production level (h) of 1.505.33 tons per year, the effort amounted to 2,771.58 trips per year and the economic rent (π) of 3,955.15 billion per year (IDR). In MEY conditions, the production rate (h) is 1,183.48 tons per year, the effort is 1,490.01 trips per year, and the economic rent (π) is 15,199.41 billion per year (IDR). In the condition of management of open access production (h) is 1,496.82 tons per year with an effort of 2,980.03 trips per year and economic rent of 0 (IDR). The static parameter analysis shows that the utilization of yellowfin tuna in North Aceh waters is economical overfishing and biological overfishing.