Impact of Fish Offal Meal as Animal Protein on Liver Enzymes and Creatinin Levels of Common Carp (cyprinus carpio L.)


Al-Zahiri Ali Jassim,Al-Dulaimy Hasan Ali,Al-Bassam Nuha Hameed


Abstract The study was planted to investigate the impact of use fish offal meal on liver enzymes (AST, ALT, ALP) and creatinin concentrations in blood serum of common carp. Six experimented diets were prepared to be iso protein and iso caloric which contained commercial fish meal in treatment T1 and fish offal meal not supported with commercial protease enzyme in treatment T2, while the other four diets contained fish offal meals supported with protease enzyme in proportions at 1.5, 2, 2.5 and 3% for treatments T3, T4, T5 and T6, in the exprtiment, 126 common carp (Cyprinus carpio)were used with an average weight of 34±4 g. The fish were distributed in 18 glass aquarium(representing each replicate aquarium)at rate of 7 fish per aquarium, after a two week peak period during which the fish were fed to saturation on a commercial diet to reduce individual differences. In the case nutrition among the first before the start of the experiment, after which the fish were fed on experimental diets for a period of 90 days, the fish were weighted every two weeks with the adjustement of the amount of food provided to the fish according to the weight gain of the biomass of each replicate. Taking a sample of 2 fish per replicate to determinate the concentration of AST, ALT and ALP enzymes in the blood serum. The results showed no significant difference among the experimental treatments(p>0.05) in concentrations of liver enzymes, ALT and ALP and recorded T1 highest value in AST 142 (U/L) while T5 recorded lower value 134 (U/L) and recorded T5 higher value in ALT 23.06 (U/L) and less value showed in T6 19.46 (U/L), on the other hand, the highest value in ALP was recorded in T5 16.10 (U/L) and lower value in T2 11.73 (U/L). There were no significant difference between all experimental treatments (p>0.05) in creatinin parameter and were among the natural concentrations and recorded T3 higher value 0.63 mg/dl and less value was recorded T1 0.43 mg/dl.


IOP Publishing







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