Neidorf Anna,Zharkova Maria
The cultivation of arthropods in closed water supply installations is a promising area for the development of commercial aquaculture in Russia. The giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii is gradually becoming an aquaculture species of great commercial value, since it is the largest representative of its genus. In experiment for the prawn containing 3 tanks of the same size were used. The shrimps in the first tank were fed mainly plant food, but with a small proportion of animal food. In the second tank, animal feed was used. In the third tank, the shrimp diet consisted of 80% balanced artificial feed. The percentage of losses was 30, 20 and 7%, respectively. From the experiment, it became clear that main problems characteristic of all decapods, including the giant freshwater prawn, are the lack of high-quality and balanced artificial feeds, as well as problems associated with a decrease in the genetic diversity of artificial populations, which makes it more difficult and expensive to obtain seeding material. Cultivation of giant freshwater prawn in Russia can be quite cost-effective when using closed water supply installations, however, in order to achieve maximum benefits, it is necessary to develop artificial, optimized feeds designed specifically for crustaceans.