Bylieva D S,Lobatyuk V V,Rubtsova A V
In the life of modern society information and communication technology occupy a significant place, being an active principle of social changes. Practically all processes, one way or another, go along with technologies. The total penetration of information and communication technologies into all spheres of life initiates the transformation of established social relations and norms. Particular attention we pay to the study of social norms in virtual reality. We observe the main forms of deviant behavior in the network, and the mechanism of social control, aimed at their regulation. At the same time, we prove that the areas of regulation are quite mobile and do not have a clear framework. Although we try to define three main areas of this type: area of law regulation, area of moral regulation, unregulated field. All the presented areas describe the visible phenomena. The essence of the virtualization process, however, turns out to be undetected. But after all, society itself can set a socially acceptable framework for the functioning of information and communication technologies, which can vary depending on religion, national circumstances or level of economic development. As a result, it can be noted that in the modern world the social landscape is changing dramatically.
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24 articles.