Handayani B R,Sunarti S,Nirsatmanto A,Setyaji T,Kartikaningtyas D,Surip S
Progenies from two seedling seed orchards (SSO) consisting of the same families could perform different growths. Concerning this fact, improved seeds of Eucalyptus pellita collected from two SSOs based primarily on the same families and provenances were tested together in a genetic gain trial. The study aims to observe the impact of within family seed trees in two SSOs on growth superiority of the improved seeds. The trial was established in Wonogiri, Central Java and laid out in randomized complete block design with three seed sources: SSO-A,SSO-B and one seed stand (as control), 100 trees/plot, 4 replications and 4x1.5mspacing. Measurements were conducted at seven periodical times (16 months up to 66 months of ages). Improved seeds from the two SSOs displayed better growths than that from seed stand at all measurements. The growth superiority of SSO over the control varied among the two SSO. SSO-A showed consistently higher superiority relativelythanSSO-B, on average of 110%, 236%, 122% and 165% in height, dbh, stem volume, and stand volume, respectively. The results demonstrated the importanceof within family variation of E. pellita in establishing seed orchard for seed production and further breeding.
Reference22 articles.
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