Rachmawati Siti,Candraningtyas Callista Fabiola,Putra Chandra Digta Hanggara,Fadhilah Ririn Nur,Muazulfa Tsalatsun Ikhwa,Firmansyah Fathoni,Suryadi Iwan
The need for animal food is increasing because of its nutritional content. Foodstuffs needed to meet daily needs must be healthy and free from harmful substances, including heavy metals. Fresh cow’s milk is an animal-based food that is consumed by many people because it is very easy to find at an affordable price. This study aimed to determine the levels of heavy metals Pb (Lead) and Cd (Cadmium) contained in fresh cow’s milk and to find recommendations if they exceed a predetermined threshold. The method used is laboratory analysis of heavy metal content in fresh cow’s milk from a cattle farm in Boyolali Central Java. Analysis of Pb and Cd content was carried out by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS). Data analysis was carried out by comparing the content of heavy metals in fresh cow’s milk with SNI 3141.1: 2011 concerning quality requirements for fresh cow’s milk and SNI 7387: 2009 concerning the maximum limit of heavy metal contamination in food. Laboratory test results on fresh cow’s milk had a heavy metal Pb content of 96.67 mg/kg and a heavy metal Cd content of 4.45 mg/kg. It is known that the maximum limit for heavy metal contamination in food is 0.02 mg/kg. It can be concluded that the heavy metal content in fresh cow’s milk has exceeded the existing quality standard threshold. Previous research revealed that the metal lead content in cow’s milk that has been processed is lower than in cow’s milk that has not been processed.
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