Comparison of CFL lights and led lights reviewed from the side of the price, strong light and heat caused


Hudallah N,Isdiyarto ,Sukamta S,Nashiroh P K,Harlanu M,Purbawanto S


Abstract Electrical energy has become a major requirement in supporting daily activities. The use of electricity in the community is increasing, while the supply of electrical energy is limited. Natural resources in the form of petroleum, coal as the main raw material in producing electrical energy are running low. Therefore, it is necessary to think of alternative solutions to save the use of electrical energy and one solution that can be done is to conserve energy. Energy conservation can be done in various ways, one of which is to use energy efficiently following needs. Electric lights are one of the objects being studied in the conservation of electrical energy. This study aims to examine the energy conservation in the use of electrical energy for lighting needs, namely the efficiency of CFL lamps (Compact Fluorescent Lamp), and LED lamps (Light Emitting Diodes) in terms of price, electricity consumption, and environmental heat generated. The research methodology used is an experiment by selecting and treating the lamp that is the object of research. The choice is based on the price of the lamp and the treatment that is done includes the provision of electric voltage and measured lighting intensity and the resulting ambient temperature. The results of the study are 1). the average price of CFL lamps is cheaper than LED lights. 2). strong lighting produced by the LED lights is greater (6.92 Lux/Watt) compared to CFL lamps (1.003 Lux/Watt) and 3). Environmental heat by CFL lamps is higher (35.4 0C) than LED lights (33.0 0C) and 4). Based on overall variables: price, lighting strength, and lamp temperature, LED lights are superior, especially on the resulting lighting strength. For conservation purposes, select the type of lamp according to the allotment of space and the value of the importance of space. If the consideration is lower prices, choose CFL lamps, but if the consideration is stronger, bigger lighting, choose LED lights.


IOP Publishing


General Engineering

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