Suryatna B S,Agustina T,Sugiarto
The findings of this study was the Prototype Model of Micro Hydro Power Plant (MHPP) for small water discharges (less than 10 Liters per Second), namely MHPP waterwheel and the Speed Converters from waterwheel to Dynamos, named “Converters” MHPP. This study was aimed to produce a prototype design of a wind turbine-based MHPP for small water discharge. This study used an engineering-based approach to the design of prototype MHPP. The design of the prototype MHPP for small water discharges (less than 10 liters per second) consists of 6 components, a wheel diameter of 4-5 meters, the turning machine from a pinwheel to a dynamo given the name “converter”, Dynamo, House where the prototype MHPP, Conductor Network of MHPP to homes, and safety tanks and waterways.