Supriyono ,Astuti M W,Pardono ,Pujiasmanto B
Red ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc. var. rubrum) is a medicinal plant that belongs to the flowering family (Zingiberaceae). Indonesian potential production of red ginger was about 22 tons Ha−1 within export volume up to 3,000 tons in 2018. This value is completely different from production yields, which decreased every year. Fertilization is one of the cultivation techniques that can increase production. This study aimed to determine the type of organic fertilizer that effectively increases the growth and yield of red ginger. The research was conducted in Jatiyoso, Karanganyar from March to August 2020 with one-factor RCBD and five treatments, it is T0 (Control), T1 (Marketed Manure), T2 (Cow Manure), T3 (Goat Manure), and T4 (Chicken Manure). Plants applied with goat manure (T3) resulted in the highest growth and yield. The growth of red ginger in terms of plant height (72.77 cm), number of tillers (14.93), and weight of fresh straw (30.89 g) tended to be higher in plants applied with goat manure. The yield of fresh rhizome weight and stored rhizome weight applied with goat manure, which is 1033.8 g and 916.8 g, was the highest value above all treatments.
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