Zen Hardi,Kusuma Indra Ranu,Widjiati Endang
The seakeeping test is one of the tests done in the Indonesia Hydrodynamic Laboratory (IHL) test tank on a model ship or floating unit. In the test tank, a wave can be generated by using electric and mechanic wave flaps that are pre-programmed on a certain condition of the wave, i.e. different frequencies and amplitude. To measure waves, produced by a wave generator, a wave measuring instrument is needed that can measure changes in water level in the test tank. The current wave measuring instrument is in the form of a 600 mm twin wire wave probe. This instrument is can be used to measure waves in the test tank but has limitations because it is only placed in one location without being moved. Another method is developed to be used in making alternative measuring instruments using ultrasonic sensors. In this paper, this alternative wave measuring instrument shows that measuring waves even when moving the measurement point to a new point location or following a towing carriage can be done and gives better measurement results. Based on these results, this new measuring instrument can be used in a more complex configuration test in the tank.