Ivanov P A,Ryazanov A B,Komarova N K,Zavyalov O A
The article shows the positive effect of different types of diets on the milk and downy productivity of Orenburg nanny-goats. In order to increase production and improve its quality, it is proved that it is necessary to use hay concentrate (43.6% coarse, 33.4% concentrates, 23.0% juicy) and hay (53.6% coarse, 23.4% concentrates and 23.0% juicy) type. This type of feeding allows you to increase the fleece of down, respectively by 6.63 and 12.80%, while reducing the cost of feed (feed units) by 1 kg of gain - 7.37%, by 1 kg of down - by 6.61 and 18.43%, the cost of 1 kg of down, respectively - by 6.53 and 16.55%.