Jannah R,Kolopaking L M,Adiwibowo S,Maarif S
Climate change has increased the vulnerability of rural areas and communities. Promotion of the agromaritime sector is crucial for ensuring food security and competitiveness, particularly in light of the challenges posed by climate change. This study answers two questions through a systematic literature review. First, what are the current impacts of climate change on communities/villages and the agromaritime sector development? Second, what are the current challenges faced in developing the agromaritime sector? This study analyzed 52 articles published on between 2019 and 2023, using the keywords climate change, adaptation, community, village, agriculture, marine fisheries, and Indonesia. Research has found that climate change causes farmers and fishermen to experience dilemmas, crop failure, and loss of local knowledge. Environmental degradation such as marine litter, unsustainable fishing, and illegal fishing has weakened the maritime sector. The challenges in developing the agromaritime sector include inadequate infrastructure, higher community vulnerability due to climate change, and environmental degradation. Therefore, community development and innovation must be improved to develop the agromaritime sector.