Babalola P.O.,Kilanko O.,Babalola I.D.
Capturing noise data is laborious, time-consuming, expensive and dangerous due to the exposure of the investigator to the menace. Also, appropriate software, computational skill and computational time are also required before the captured data could be of any use. In this work, an artificial neural network (ANN) was deployed to learn and train noise data in Ota Metropolis. Data were captured from forty-one (41) locations for the morning, afternoon and evening in Ota Metropolis. ANN with Levenberg Marquardt algorithm and architectural configuration of 2-21-9 (input-hidden neuron-output) was used to predict noise descriptors for Ota Metropolis with 73% accuracy. The two input variables were the latitude and longitude of the location measured in degrees while the nine output variables are the noise descriptors such traffic noise index (TNI), noise pollution level (LNP), and average equivalent noise levels (LAeq) computed for each selected location for morning, afternoon and evening periods. The results could be used in mobile applications, Google Earth and other platforms to guide residence dwellers, travellers, industrialists and technocrats in selecting travelling routes, choice of apartment location and use of appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) in unavoidable noisy locations.