Fast growing woods from plantations forest generally have low quality and require improvement to resist degrading organisms. This study aimed to evaluate the resistance of heat-modified sengon, jabon, mangium, and short rotation teak woods against decay fungi. Heat treatment was applied at two different temperatures (150 °C and 180 °C) and for three different times (0, 2, and 6 hours). The decay resistance test used white rot (Schizophyllum commune Fr) and brown rot (Tyromyces palustris) fungibased on modified SNI 01-7207-2014 standard. The chemical analysis of heat-modified wood used Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. The results showed that the white rot fungal resistance was significantly affected by the interaction of wood species, temperature and period of heating, while the brown rot fungal resistance was significantly affected by the interaction of wood species and heating temperature. Heating at 180 °C for 6 hours increased the fungal resistance of sengon, jabon and mangium woods. However, the fungal resistance of teak wood improved by heating at 150 °C for 6 hours. The durability improvement of the heat-modified woods were suspected due to the appearance or increase of antifungal substances such as benzoic acid, sinapaldehyde, vanillin and 2-methylantraquinone.
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