Notes on leaf anatomy: Additional information for Indonesian Pandanus spp. (Pandanaceae)


Tihurua E F,Widoyanti ,Rustiami H,Megawati


Abstract In Indonesia, Pandanus spp. were distributed from Sumatra to Papua. These Pandanus species has broader variation of anatomical leaf characters whether epidermis or transversal section traits. This study was conducted to obtain an information of anatomical characters of Pandanus leaf and supporting character on Pandanus identification. Pandanus collections of Herbarium Bogoriense were used for this study, and some of Pandanus species from Papua New Guinea and Malay Peninsula were added as well. Paraffin method and simple peeling of the leaf surface were used to get leaf transversal sections and epidermis characters. In general, anatomical characters of examined species in this study relatively similar to other Pandanus species which were studied by former researchers. Pandanus has broad range of stomata types on the lower leaf surface, from simple stomata to the most specialized stomata. The upper leaf surface of Pandanus spp. has similar stomata type, viz. class 1 (simple). Zonation always presents on all species, except on P. atropurpureus, P. conoideus and P. nitidus. Mostly, crystals CaCO3 were found in three forms, namely rectangular and needle-like shape in idioblast cells, while prism-shape is scattered in the mesophyll area. These crystal shapes absent in P. odorifer and there is one additional crystal shape, drusse which present in P. conoideus. Silica bodies located in the upper and lower hypodermis of leaf. Bundle sheath extension was seen in all species except P. beguinii, P. conoideus, and P. fusinus.


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