The effect of n-butanol fraction of gaharu (Aquilaria microcarpa Baill.) leaves on blood glucose and liver glycogen levels in alloxan-induced male rats


Anwar K,Juliantie G C,Nurlely


AbstractGaharu leaves (Aquilaria microcarpaBaill.) empirically used to lower blood glucose levels by people of Tamiang Layang Cental Kalimantan. This study measured the activity ofA. microcarpaleaves to blood glucose and glycogen liver levels. The study used 24 male white rats. Animal test were divided into 6 groups (n=4) receiving different treatments: normal control, negative control (vehicle), positive control (glibenclamide 0,45 mg/kg BW),n-butanol fraction (12.5 mg/kg BW; 25 mg/kg BW; and 50 mg/kg BW). All groups, excluding the normal group, were induced by alloxan monohydrate (150 mg/kg BW, i.p.). After 72 hours, the levels of glucose blood were measured and the treatment was administered. Pre-prandial and postprandial measurement of blood glucose levels were conducted on days 0, 7, and 14 after treatment. On day 15ththe liver was extracted out and analyzed by UV-Vis spectrophotometry to determine the glycogen levels. The results of this study showed that bood glucose levels reduction and liver glycogen levels enhancement ofn-butanol fraction ofA. microcarpaleaves at the doses of 12.5; 25 and 50 mg/kg BW significantly different with the negative control (p < 0.05). This result suggestsn-butanol fraction ofA. microcarpaleaves has potensial as an antidiabetic agent.


IOP Publishing


General Engineering







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