Iswanto A H,Azhar I,Bukit A A,Oktaviani F,Sucipto T,Hakim L,Manurung H,Darwis A,Samsuri ,Zaitunah A,Arinah H,Susilowati A,Elfiati D,Rangkuti A B,Syahputra O K H,Harahap M M,Ulfa M,Rambey R,Hartono R
The use of non-wood lignocellulosic materials is currently limited as organic fertilizer, fuel, and animal feed. These materials have the opportunity to be used in the manufacture of particleboard. This study aimed to analyze the properties of the panel made of non-wood lignocellulosic material bonded using melamine-formaldehyde adhesive. Non-wood lignocellulosic materials used in this study include bagasse, corn cobs, durian skin, coconut fiber, and rice husks. The material was converted into 20 mesh size particles. The level of melamine-formaldehyde adhesive used was 10%. Hot pressing was done for 10 min at 140oC using 30 kg/cm2 pressure. The board is made of 25 x 25 cm2 with a target density and thickness of 0.80 g/cm3 and 1 cm, respectively. The findings revealed that bagasse board has superior physical and mechanical properties to other lignocellulosic materials. This board has the highest internal bond and the lowest thickness swelling value. Most of the test parameters in this study did not meet the JIS A 5908-2003 because the density target was not achieved.