Sulistyo W D,Khakim M N L,Jauhari N,Setyawan A D
Malang city has various historical sites as one of the relics of past civilizations as evidence of the glory of the Kanjuruhan Kingdom to Singhasari Kingdom. One of them is a legacy that not many people know, in the form of a water site or partirtaan located in Merjosari Village. There are two sites, namely Cerumprit Water Site and Kasin Water Site. Even though the current condition has changed, the two water sites can be used as a learning resource with the aim of fostering awareness of the historical history of students. This water site has potential both from its history and geographical conditions. The method used in this paper is historical research methodology aimed at uncovering historical facts contained in the site. The second uses descriptive qualitative methods to describe the Merjosari Site Area. The historical potential contained in this site, shows that there are patirtaan and society that cannot be separated. Geographical potential is the location of the site which is still natural, not many people know. So that learning can be based on the environment. With this potential, this site can be used as a contextual learning resource.