Oleynikova R E,Stepanov D V,Gukasyan A V,Kosachevb V S
The paper presents the design of a machine for cutting small fish using a water-air jet as a working tool. The primary technological operations in cutting the fish are removing the head and viscera as well as cleaning the abdominal cavity of the fish from the blood kidney and the black film. These operations are complex and time-consuming, due to the wide variety of volumes, lengths and shapes of the abdominal cavities, as well as the difference in the consistency of body tissues. At the same time, the abdominal cavities of fish of various species have standard features, which make it possible to use the same techniques when processing them. It is of particular difficulty in performing such operations to remove the guts of the Azov-Black Sea anchovy. An important element in the small fish cutting mechanization is the centring of the head of the fish cut with a nozzle, as well as fixing the body of the fish in the cartridge in a certain position. This design of the machine allows realizing the process of cutting the Azov-Black Sea anchovy with the complete removal of the guts.