Armia Y,Fitri C A,Koesmara H,Ammar M,Qudriansyah S
Dairy goat is a type of goat that is able to produce milk in an amount that exceeds the needs of its children. Dairy goats are a dual-purpose type of goat because in addition to producing milk, their meat can also be consumed. One of the dairy goat groups in Aceh Besar District is the Meunasah Mon Group, which is located in Gampong Meunasah Mon, Mesjid Raya District. Until now there is no definite data regarding goat milk production, especially in Aceh Besar District. This is because there are not many quality goat farms and goat milk is still not much in demand in the region. Competition for goat milk producers in the region is also low. Livestock business economic analysis is carried out to analyze the balance between income and business. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the dairy goat farming business in Meunasah Mon Village, Mesjid Raya District, Aceh Besar District can be declared eligible. This is evidenced by the results of the analysis where the B/C and R/C ratios were 1.55 and 1.80 respectively and the total income/revenue was Rp. 2,786,000 per month with sales of 53.12 liters (1 ltr/bottle) of fresh milk products.
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