Impact of ammoniation rice straw treatment with direct-fed microbials and Hibiscus tiliaceus leaf meal supplemented in concentrate on local sheep performances


Bata M,Rahayu S,Rimbawanto E A,Fita M


Abstract This study aimed to determine the interaction between ammoniation rice straw treatment using direct-fed microbial (DFM) and Hibiscus tiliaceus leaf meal (HTLM) supplementation on local sheep performance. Thirty-six local male sheep aged 2 years (28.01 ± 2.61 kg) fed with ammoniated rice-straw (ARS) treated with DFM and concentrate supplemented with HTLM were assigned randomly to receive nine treatments in an experiment of 3 x 3 factorial design. The first factor was the use of DFM with P0 = control, P1 = DFMAMS, and P2 = DFMRK, while the second was level of HTLM with W0 = 0%, W1 = 0.24% and W2 = 0.48% DM concentrate. Concentrates were fed 3% of sheep body weight, and ARS was prepared ad-libitum. The variables measured were final weight (FW), average daily gain (ADG), dry matter intake (DMI), dry matter digestibility (DMD), crude fiber digestibility (CFD), feed conversion ratio (FCR), and consumption rate (CR). There was significant interaction (P<0.05) between DFM and HTLM supplementation on the final FW, DMI, and CR (P<0.01), while ADG and FCR were not significant. Furthermore, DFM supplementation (P<0.05) on FCR, DMD, and CFD but not ADG. The lowest FCR was achieved in a combination of W2 and DFMRK, and ADG increased with the dose of HTLM. The highest ADG achieved was in the combination of DFMRK and W2. For DFM and HTLM, 0.48% of DFMRK and the level of HTLM improved local sheep performance and feed efficiency. It had a positive impact on the environment by minimizing methane production.


IOP Publishing


General Engineering







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