Zulfiia Atamyrzaevna Asilova,Kulumkan Asanovna Kokumbaeva,Nurgul Tashtanovna Osmonova,Keneshbek Zhumabekovich Usenov
Dumping during open-pit mining of upland deposits is one of the most difficult problems when storing overburden dumps on mountain slopes. Dump formation is accompanied by deformations of the dumps, which depend on the properties of the overburden rocks, in particular lumpiness, humidity. In order to ensure the safety of work on the dump, dump operations can be conditionally divided into dump formation with ensuring the stability of the dump tiers at all stages of the formation of the array and dump formation under controlled deformation conditions. In this article, the authors present the results of calculations of the stability of the overburden dump formed over mountainous terrain in the gold deposit of Kyrgyzstan.