Starovoitova K V,Dolgolyuk I V,Markov A S,Sergeeva I Y
Literature data show that flavonoids are involved in the prevention of noncommunicable diseases. To draw upon such data so as to formulate recommendations, one needs flavonoid consumption statistics. This paper seeks to evaluate flavonoid consumption among the workers of a chemical facility and uses data from 24-hour meal reports. The sample contained reports from 480 participants (n = 480, 75% of whom are male; aged 22-69). The flavonoid content of their meals was counted using the USDA and Phenol-Explorer (PE) databases as well as data from literature. The research team quantified the presence of specific flavonoids as well as the total flavonoid content of the diet. As part of the study, we evaluated the flavonoid sources in the total daily consumption, including beverages, fruits, and vegetables. Flavonoids mainly came from tea, fruit, and fruit drinks. The average total flavonoid consumption varied from 226 mg/day in females aged 30 to 39 to 464 mg/day in males of the same age group; regardless of the age category, catechins were the most consumed flavonoids. There was a positive correlation between a person’s degree, job, and daily average flavonoid consumption. This research produced data on the consumption of flavonoids among the workers of a chemical facility that could be of use when making dietary recommendations on such consumption.