Novasari F,Kartika J G,Agusta H
Pleocnemia irregularis (C. Presl) Holttum or vegetable fern is common in partial shade in lowland forest and on the edge of forested hills, especially on slopes. The edible part of this plant is its fiddlehead that serves as a vegetable. This study aimed to characterize this vegetable fern phenotype, as well as analyze the nitrate content of its leaves. The research was conducted at the Arboretum of Faculty of Forestry, Bogor Agricultural University (Arboretum 1), Dramaga Research Forest of Bogor Research Centre, and Forest Conservation (CIFOR 1 and CIFOR 2). The result showed that there were no differences in the qualitative characteristics of the fern obtained from the three locations. Based on quantitative characteristics, the vegetable fern at CIFOR 2 is the smallest. Average NO3- (mg.100 g-1) from fiddlehead extraction is below the nitrate acceptable daily intake value based on human weight, recommended by European Commission’s Scientific Committee for Food, therefore, consuming vegetable fern with an average daily consumption of 100 grams Day-1 is considered safe.