The use of pod-shatter resistant variety is considered effective in reducing yield loss in soybeans. This study aimed to identify and grouping of pod shattering resistance and agronomic characters performance from several advanced soybean lines. The field experiment was conducted in Blitar (Indonesia) from January to April 2021, using 20 soybean advanced lines and two check cultivars. The laboratory study to identify the pod shattering resistance based on the oven-dry method was conducted in the Breeding Laboratory of ILETRI, Malang. The pod shattering resistance of 20 advanced lines was classified into five very resistant genotypes, three resistant genotypes, two moderate genotypes, nine susceptible genotypes, and a very susceptible genotype. The pod shattering resistance has a significant negative correlation with the pod width (r = -0.472*). A wider pod resulted in a low percentage of shattering. The agronomic performance varied among all genotypes. Selection for pod shattering resistance and agronomic performance obtained two lines (G511H/Anjas//Anjas///Anjas-3-1 and Dega/Degra-2-105) as high yielding and very resistant to pod shattering. Those lines were suggested to be tested across diverse environments to determine their yield potential and stability.