Efficiency Study of Substitution of Official Vehicles in Banten Province with EVs (Electric Vehicle) To Reduce Carbon Emissions


Choldiputri Nawal Thurayya,Syafei Arie Dipareza,Assomadi Abdu Fadli,Febrianto Arry,Hermana Joni


Abstract To support the NDC (National Determined Contribution) targets in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 31.89% in 2030, the Presidential Instruction No. 7 of 2022 has been issued, which aims to replace conventional oil-fuelled vehicles in government official vehicles with electric vehicles (EVs). Although EVs do not directly produce GHG emissions as their engines do not involve fuel combustion, they still use electricity produced by Perusahaan Listrik Nasional (PLN), which uses fossil fuels in its combustion process. The purpose of this paper is to compare and determine whether the implementation of the new policy would have a significant impact on reducing GHG, particularly carbon emission, or not. This study therefore focused on calculating the indirect carbon emissions generated from the use of EVs compared to direct carbon emissions resulting from the use of official vehicles that run on fossil fuels in the Banten Province and Serang Regency. The carbon emissions in EVs are calculated using data from PLN’s carbon emissions from electricity production, while data on vehicle fuel usage and mileage per year are used to calculate emissions from official vehicles. The calculation methods were based on the 2006 IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) document. The results of this study suggested that the efficiency of substituting official vehicles from oil-fuelled vehicles to the EVs, is dependent on the number and type of replaced vehicles. In both Banten Province and Serang Regency, the most efficient partial substitution of official vehicles was achieved by replacing official service vehicles with EVs, resulting in the reduction percentages of carbon emission by 26.73% and 28.58%, respectively.


IOP Publishing

Reference28 articles.








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