Musaev F B,Beletsky S L,Soldatenko A V,Gaplaev M Sh,Ushakova O V,Antoshkina M S
Genetic collections of plants are mainly contained in the form of seeds, the conservation of which is an important state task. To maintain the collection in a living state, it is necessary to periodically check the germination of seeds, and if necessary, carry out reseeding of seeds in order to reproduce them. The genetically determined shelf life of seeds can be significantly extended by creating optimal storage conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to search or create environmental conditions under which the seeds could remain viable for as long as possible. There are modern high-tech seed storages in the world, but in case of emergency, emergency situations, natural storages will be in a better position, one of which is located on the Taimyr Peninsula. In 1974, an experiment was begun to study the preservation of grain, seeds, and various products in different types of packaging under permafrost conditions with the participation of a number of research institutions. Grain cereals of various samples have been in long-termstorage since 1980. Intermediate seeding and analysis of seeds showed a high degree of viability and prolongation of economic suitability. In 2016, the All-Russian Research Institute for Selection and Seeding of Vegetable Crops (now the Federal Research Center for Horticulture) joined in a long experiment. The employees of breeding laboratories selected a collection of seeds of seven main types of vegetable crops, the samples were laid in three replicates, in accordance with the planned three periods of harvesting, for a long shelf life in permafrost conditions.