Konovalov Vladimir,Kravtsov Artem,Zaitsev Vladimir,Petrov Alexander,Petrova Svetlana
The aim of the study is to develop a mathematical model of linear calculation of the pneumatic system of a seeder with a pneumatic sowing system, implemented in the MathCAD computer algebra system. The description of the pneumatic transport system of a typical seeder with pneumatic sowing is presented, its design scheme is given. Based on the provisions of the mechanics of continuous media, a methodology for calculating the parameters of a pneumatic system to verify the adopted design decisions has been developed. A computer model of a pneumatic transport system with series-parallel arrangement of sections has been developed. Linear calculations with structurally implemented recounting of indicators were performed. The obtained value of the standard deviation between the calculated average values and the velocities of the flow core in the sections does not exceed 14% for the values of the velocities and 0.5% for the pressure over the sections. When implementing the proposed analytical modeling in the MathCAD 8.0 system, the error in mass flow rate is 1.152×10-14%, which allows limiting the number of conversion cycles of indicators to two – three cycles.
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2 articles.