Rachmawatie S J,Purwanto E,Sakya A T,Dewi W S
The availability of macronutrients and micronutrients strongly influences the growth of rice plants. If the availability of nutrients in the soil is not optimal, then fertilization is necessary. Moringa leaf extract can increase plant growth because it contains minerals such as Ca, K and Fe. The study examines the effect of applying liquid organic fertilizer from Moringa leaves and golden snails with different fertilizer concentrations on rice growth. The research design used was a factorial completely randomized design, with two factors are fertilizer application (P1: Moringa leaves extract, P2: Moringa leaves fermentation, P3: Golden snail extract, P4: Golden snail fermentation, P5: Moringa and golden snail fermentation) and concentration of fertilizer application (K1: 2%, K2: 4%, K3: 6%, K4: 8%). Each treatment was repeated three times to obtain 60 experimental units. The parameters observed were nutrients in plant tissue (N, P, K, and Fe) and dry weight. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA), and if they were significantly different, they were further tested with DMRT with a 95% confidence level. The result showed that the highest Fe content in the P5K2 (Moringa and golden snail fermentation on 4%) was 27.42% or 90.25% more than control.