Rice sector has been subject to a number of policy interventions in Asia due to the economic and political importance of rice. The objective of this study is to describe the implementation of the government’s rice reserve policy based on the Presidential Instruction on rice policy. Result of the study show that: (1) the highest distribution of government rice reserves for rice market operation at 26,555 tons/month in Presidential Instruction No. 13/2005, (2) the highest distribution of government rice reserves for emergencies at 1.237 tons/month in Presidential Instruction No. 7/2009, 3) the average rate of growth in government purchased of price dried harvest paddy, government purchased of price dried milled paddy and government purchased price of rice at 16,21 %, 15.18 % and 13.10 % respectively, (8) the maximum water content of dried harvest paddy, dried milled paddy and rice is 25%, 14% and 14% respectively and the maximum empty grain of dried harvest paddy and dried milled paddy is 10% and 3% respectively (9) the maximum broken grain and minor degree is 20%, 2% respectively whereas the minimum milling degree for rice 95%, and (10) there is a positive relationship between the quality requirements paddy and the Government Purchasing Price.