Romanenko E S,Khokhlova E V,Ivashova V A,Mironova E A,Chvalun R V
The work presents the results of a survey of fermentation specialists in the south of Russia who expressed their opinion on the current profile of competencies that should be presented in the educational program to ensure the competitiveness of a university graduate in this area of training. We conducted a survey of scientific publications in the subject area - the competence of a modern specialist in fermentation production. As a result, relevant technological innovations of fermentation production were established, associated, firstly, with the chemical component of the production process, secondly, with the physical and technological conditions for its implementation, and thirdly, with market conditions and emerging gastronomic regional and global trends. The expert community assessed the competencies of the Federal State Educational Standard on the degree to which graduates of the training program “Food products from plant materials” are formed, which shows that the following competencies remain less formed: the ability to use information technologies to solve technological problems in the production of food products from plant materials (noted by 63, 6% of the number of respondents); the ability to use the principles of the quality management system and the organizational and legal foundations of managerial and entrepreneurial activity (noted by 54.5% of the number of respondents); the ability to search, store, process and analyze information from various sources and databases, present it in the required format using information, computer and network technologies (noted by 45.5% of the number of respondents).