Astuti S S,Hariati A M,Kusuma W E,Wiadnya D G R
Barbodes binotatus is a group of freshwater fish and this species is an endemic and most dominant category of freshwater species in Indonesia. Morphological examinations at the level of intraspecific populations by involving extensive sampling localities have never been conducted before. Morphological characteristics through truss morphometry analysis of body shape can be used to analyze shape changes during growth, discriminate genera or species as well as identify good quality of population for fish broodstock. This aims of research were to determine the relationship between fluctuating asymmetry and morphological character of B. binotatus across different regions from Java. A total of 650 samples were analyzed and collected from a total of 24 sampling sites around Java Island. Individual specimens for each population were analyzed using thin plate spline (tpsDig) method with a total of 14 anatomical landmarks. The result of this research inform that PCA analysis showed highly significant different of each population. Research with genetic approach is needed to determine population groupings across distribution area.