The role of birds diversity in increasing oil palm productivity at PT Permata Sawit Mandiri, West Kalimantan


Perdhana R D


Abstract The expansion of oil palm plantations has reaped many damaging accusations, namely as the leading cause of deforestation, and is responsible for the decline in biodiversity. Oil palm cultivation cannot be separated from pest attacks that affect its quality and quantity. Besides being expensive, pesticides can cause environmental damage and decrease palm oil productivity. Therefore, optimizing the utilization of biodiversity in its management is necessary. As insectivores, birds significantly control pests that attack oil palm plants and also have other beneficial roles for oil palm plantations. This study aims to identify the diversity of bird species and the role of various bird species in the oil palm plantation of PT Permata Sawit Mandiri, West Kalimantan. Data were collected using a combination of line transects, point observation methods, and vegetation analysis methods. Meanwhile, data related to the role of birds in oil palm plantations were obtained through a literature study. The total species of birds found in oil palm plantations were 38 species in 6 land cover locations. The highest number of bird species was found in Secondary Forest in block G12 land cover and based on the type of feed, most bird species also found in this land cover (20 species), which acts as natural pollinators, seed dispersers, and pest control. While the least species of birds were found in oil palm with the oldest planting year (3 species). The diversity and the role of bird species found in secondary forests and rubber forests bordering oil palm plantations have the potential to source food, pollination, and pest control for birds in oil palm plantations.


IOP Publishing


General Medicine

Reference50 articles.

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