Maiviatov F M,Karimov R R,Gapparov Sh X,Tursunov Sh Ch,Musurmonov I E
The purpose of the research is to substantiate the parameters of the straw separator elevator. The scheme of the straw separator and its principle of operation are given. The proposed straw separator consists of elevators, a web, a shaker, a motion transmission mechanism, a sewing machine, a support and an electric motor. The results of experimental studies to determine the effect of the parameters of the straw separator on the friction composition of straw and its loss are presented. It is established that slope angles of the upper and lower blades of the elevators relative to the horizon are 360 and 560, respectively, the ratio of the slope angles of the elevators is 1.1, the ratio of the straw separator diameters is 0.74 and the number is 3, the sum of the lengths of the elevators is 2.75 m, and the frequency of the blade rotations is 400 m−1 should be.