Borodin N A,Knyazev A V,Tkachev V V,Zimarin S V,Borovikov R G,Shcheblykin P N
The article proposes an original approach to the protection of forestry machines from overloads when using a friction material made of pressed wood. The use of compressed wood is an environmentally important aspect in the manufacture of friction materials for safety devices of forestry machines. This approach contributes to the development of green technologies in forestry engineering and ensures an increase in the environmental friendliness of logging operations. However, from an environmental point of view, self-ignition of pressed wood must be avoided. The definition of the transmitted and adjusting torque in relation to the frictional safety clutch is considered. It is noted that when the safety device slips, the friction material made of pressed wood will wear out unevenly, in the form of a wedge, if the working width of the contacting surfaces is large. A diagram of the calculated friction clutch is presented, as well as a diagram of the pressure fuse block, from which it can be seen how the rubber rings are not deformed in the same way due to their difference in diameters. It is noted that for forestry machines operating with frequent overloads, it is necessary to take into account the dynamic loads that occur during overload at the moment the fuse is triggered.