Sekaranom Andung Bayu,Kusumandari Ambar,Suratman
In Indonesia, PROKLIM is one of the major adaptation and mitigation actions that conducted at the local (community) level. The activities that need to be accelerated and capacity building and mainstreamed in various development activities and existing community activities to support the green house gases (GHG) reduction at national level. The general purpose of this activity is to strengthen the program in increasing understanding about climate change and its various impacts and encourage implementation of real actions in the community. To support this goal, an inventory of greenhouse gas emissions was carried out at the village level, one of which was Poncosari Village located in Bantul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The GHG emissions inventory is carried out for the domestic, transportation, and livestock sectors. The inventory is carried out by surveying each hamlet in the village. The results of the analysis show high emissions from the livestock sector. The contribution of the domestic sector occupies the second position due to the use of firewood.