Agustina N A,Supartono ,Prasita V D
Kenjeran Beach is located in the coastal area of the East Coast of Surabaya (Pamurbaya) where most of the ecosystems are mangroves, so this area has the potential to be inundated with water (flood). This study aims to analyze tidal flooding as the impact of sea level rise and formulate appropriate adaptation & mitigation strategies so that tourism utilization can be carried out in a sustainable manner. The method used in this study was the tidal calculation which produces sea level rise predictions and the Geographic Information System method which produces a map of the vulnerability of the tidal flood area. The map results were analyzed to determine adaptation and mitigation strategies from the tidal flood. Based on the analysis of sea level rise, the area inundated due to tidal flooding was around 42 cm in the next 50 years. In an effort to adapt and mitigate sea level rise disasters, it was carried out with structural (physical or technical) mitigation and non-structural (non-technical) mitigation.