Closed nuclear fuel cycle is one of the most promising options for the efficient use of nuclear energy resources with full recycling of long-lived transuranic elements. However, it can be implemented only in fast breeder reactors of Generation IV. The paper shows our methodology applied in the analysis of the lead-cooled fast reactor equilibrium fuel cycle using the Continuous Energy Monte Carlo Burnup Code – MCB. The implementation of novel modules for nuclear transmutation trajectory folding allows us to trace the life cycle of crucial minor actinides from the beginning of the reactor’s life towards the state of adiabatic equilibrium. Changes in the mass contribution to gateway isotopes 242Pu, 243Am and 244Cm during 124.2 years were considered in the study. Numerical demonstration was performed for the reactor core designed within the European Lead-cooled System (ELSY) project and redefined in the follow-up Lead-cooled European Advanced Demonstration Reactor (LEADER) project.