Natural regeneration features of broad-leaved species under the canopy of coniferous stands in forest-steppe conditions


Tsaralunga V,Tsaralunga A,Yakovenko N,Zenishchev A


Abstract The age structure of the undergrowth was studied using the technique of constructing the age spectra of the adoles-cent population, which revealed the regularities of the natural pine recovery process. The aim of the study was to conduct a comparative analysis of the broad-leaved species renewal under the coniferous (pine) plantations canopy in forest-steppe conditions using the example of the Belgorod region. The research was carried out on 21 test areas using standard silvicultural techniques to assess natural regeneration effectiveness. Quercus robur L. and Ulmus laevis Pall. prevail among deciduous species in the second layer. Tilia cordata Miill, Fraxinus excelsior L., Acer platanoides L., Acer compestre L. reach less than 12%. (Betula pendula Ehrh., Populus tremula L.). The average number of young growth does not exceed 2000-2500 trees per hectare where the ones of medium height prevail (50%) and small height trees reach 22%. In the considered pine stands, Quercus robur L. young growth occurs more often. There is a growth that appeared from dormant buds at the root neck after the death of the seed unit. Units of normal vitality are found only among young growth younger than 5 years old or in communities with a disturbed stand structure.


IOP Publishing


General Engineering







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