Tseplyaev A N,Tseplyaeva A A
For the sparsely wooded regions of Russia, and in particular, the Central forest-steppe, new technologies for growing seedlings and seedlings of tree species are extremely important. It provids rapid growth and high survival rate, which is compared to classic technologies. The purpose of our experiment was to establish the effect of temperature screens from pots of various sizes on the temperature in the root zone of the substrate, and, as a consequence, on the growth and productivity of Thuja occidentalis “Smaragd” in plastic pots for three seasons. The most favorable temperature conditions for plants are formed in large pots, which is facilitated by smooth temperature drops in the substrate and a large area of contact between the substrate and the root system. Agrotechnical methods of growing plants have shown the main advantages of “Pot-in-Pot” technology. This is accelerated plant growth due to more efficient use of water and fertilizers on a specially prepared substrate under conditions of minimal temperature fluctuations. Plants, especially large ones, will have a favorable presentation due to better leafing, a well-developed crown, and a large crown diameter. High safety during wintering also increases the efficiency of the technology providing a higher yield and subsequent more intensive growth.
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