Yusuf R,Syakur A,Awalni F,Kalaba Y
Chili (Capsicum frutescens L.) is one of the horticultural crops having many benefits, namely as a cooking spice and a mixture of the food industry. Chili plants need N, P, and K for growth, provided in the form of NPK fertilizer or Seaweed extract as organic fertilizer. This study aimed to determine the effect of various combinations of seaweed extracts and NPK on the vegetative growth of chili. The experiment was arranged based on a randomized complete block design with seven treatments and three replications, so 21 experimental pot was obtained. The treatment of the combination of seaweed extract and NPK fertilizer application was T1 = seaweed extract of Ulfa sp. 100 ml/pot, T2 = seaweed extract of Caulerpa sp. 100 ml/pot, T3 = seaweed extract of Sargassum sp. 100 ml/pot, T4 = 0.5 gNPK fertilizer/pot, T5 = Ulfa sp. 100 ml/pot and 0.5 NPK, T6 = Caulerpa sp 100 ml/pot and 0.5 NPK, T7 = Sargassum sp. 100 ml/pot and 0.5 NPK. The results showed that the T1 treatment produced better results compared to other treatments.
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