The synthesis of scientific works highlighted a fundamental difference in the methods and approaches used to investigate the aesthetic qualities of park environments involving respondents. A pivotal methodological question in studying the aesthetic qualities of park environments and their human perception lies in determining the research approach - whether natural or using substitutes such as photographs or virtual simulators. In the context of this study, an analysis was conducted to ascertain the correspondence between the perception of the park environment and the assessment of its aesthetic qualities under different survey conditions. The research established that the influence of park environment features on the aesthetic evaluation of landscapes significantly differs depending on the season and the method of research. Characteristics of the park environment noted by respondents, which are closely related to aesthetic evaluation, are positive associative features defining the overall psycho-emotional impression of the landscape. Seasonal changes in the park environment notably affect the perception of compositional characteristics, especially enhancing aesthetic evaluation during summer surveys conducted directly within the park boundaries. Substantial decrease in aesthetic evaluation is observed due to the mismatch between basic features and respondent preferences, a phenomenon independent of the research method employed.