Kopytkov Denys,Ponkratov Denys,Samchuk Ganna,Yaruta Anton,Kitchenko Nataliia
The paper addresses the identification of the walking fatigue in urban environment. Currently, there is no generic walking fatigue indicator to unambiguously describe its impact on walking performance. Resulting from the different moving populations, it was hypothesized that walking energy expenditure can be used as a general fatigue signifier. After reviewing approaches to have data on the pedestrian fatigue origin and the techniques of its study, a combination of instrumental methods and self-reporting forms was selected. The influence of movement and biological parameters on the walking energy demand was examined using correlation and regression analysis to find the linear regression model as the most appropriated tool in predicting the pedestrian fatigue level. The walking fatigue assessment based on the energy expenditure should be used to create a friendlier urban environment and, thus, to encourage the urban travelling without using mass transportation and private cars. In turn, it should also promote the reducing the number of road accidents and harmful environmental and noise load on residents of present cities.