Polyakova E D,Safronova O V,Evdokimova O V,Pavlikova A V,Blinkova T M,Strelnikova L V
The article contains data on the vitamin and mineral composition of bean leaves of six varieties growing in the Federal Scientific Center of Leguminous and Cereal Crops of the Oryol region. The sashes of the following bean varieties were used for the study: “Moskovskaya belaya zelenostruchkovaya”, “Shokoladnitsa”, “Nerussa”, “Grade 00-106”, “Heliada”, “Rubin”. In the leaves of beans of six names there is a significant amount of vitamins of group B, PP, E and C. As a result of the conducted studies, a high content of individual trace elements exceeding the daily consumption rate in all varieties was noted, which characterizes the pronounced functional sugar-lowering properties of bean leaves. The high magnesium content is found in “Grade 00-106, “Rubin” and “Shokoladnitsa”; in other grades it is 2-5 times lower. The iron content in six varieties of bean leaves exceeds the daily norm: in the leaves of the bean variety “Rubin” by 3 times; in the leaves of the bean variety “Nerussa” by 3 times; in the leaves of the bean variety “Heliada” by 1.5 times.