The effect of Sargassum sp. porridge immersion to reduce levels of lead (Pb) and the organoleptic quality in blood cockles (Anadara granosa) from Belawan fishing port


Dewinta A F,Lubis R Y,Siregar R F


Abstract The east coast waters of North Sumatera experience high pollution pressure, which has an impact on the biota in it, especially blood cockles. Blood cockles are one type of fishery commodity taken from Belawan fishing port. They have a habit of eating by filtering the food in the water. Sargassum sp. is one of the marine biotas with a biofilter capability that can absorb compounds in waters. It can be used as a bioindicator of pollution and biocontrol of waters in native habitats. It is necessary to investigate the effect of concentration and duration of immersion with Sargassum sp. porridge to decrease Pb levels and maintain quality in blood cockles. Testing of lead heavy metal used AAS method and the quality test used scoresheet organoleptic for cockles. Immersion was carried out with porridge concentrations of 4%,6%,8%,10%. After obtaining the best concentration, the immersion test was carried out with a treatment time of 45,60,75,90 minutes. The best concentration is 10%, with an optimum Pb reduction of 58.67% with a Pb value of 0.998 mg/kg. The optimum time is 90 minutes with an effectiveness of 67.19%. The immersion time can maintain the organoleptic quality of blood cockles.


IOP Publishing


General Engineering

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