Hermawan F,Prihantini A D,Suliantoro H
The lengthy licensing stage is becoming a problem in low-income housing development. Stakeholders’ readiness plays an essential role in the success factor of low-income housing. This study aims to identify the stakeholders’ readiness for regional autonomy in terms of policy implementation according to the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 55 of 2017 concerning Low-Income Housing in Pemalang Regency. The research method adopted the policy model by Edwards III and the analytical hierarchy process (AHP). The determination of the criteria in this study was divided into four criteria: communication (human and financial) resources, implementers’ disposition/behaviour, and bureaucratic structure. These four criteria were analysed using the AHP method on eight respondents from one of the institutions related to the licensing stage. The findings suggested five strategies that could improve programs to accelerate the provision of low-income housing. The order of priority for those five strategies is: (1) capacity building of local authority staff; (2) improvement of the bureaucratic system and licensing services; (3) sanctions for parties affecting the licensing service process; (4) provision and dissemination of information; and (5) revision of regulations (Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs).