Kuswati ,Furqon A,Septian W A,Suyadi S,Susilawati T
Madura cattle is one of the local cattle in Indonesia that have the various phenotype, especially in growth. The objective of this study was to identify SNP of Somatostatin gene on Madura cattle at Village Breeding Centre (VBC), Madura Island. A total of 66 Madura cattle was used in this study and 34 Ongole Grade cattle as a population reference. Blood samples were collected at VBC Waru, Pamekasan Regency. A potential SNP in exon 1 was analyzed using Polymerase Chain Reaction-Restricted Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). A restriction enzyme of BsrI was used to identify the SNP. The results showed that a 464 bp of DNA fragment was successfully amplified and an SNP c.20G>A was identified in this study. This SNP was categorized as a missense mutation with the change of amino acid from serine (AGT) to asparagine (AAT). An A allele was only found on Madura cattle. The frequency of A allele was 1.00 in this population and was defined as monomorphic or monoallelic. This result probably indicated that Madura cattle at VBC Waru were selected in this locus.